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For Your School


For your school

Is the English offered at your school sufficient for students?

What is your level of English? The first answer we get from most students is: Just what I learned at school!

This learning in approximately 8 years of regular study should be enough for the student to reach a good level of English. Our methodology with INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION meets the general and specific competencies of the BNCC . With our international mentoring, your teachers have access to a continuing education program and your students prepare for the world!

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Our platform can be used as teaching material for students or as an international program in your school's after-school program.

Your teachers have access to ready-made lesson plans and structures, reducing the time spent preparing classes by up to 50% and offering the same methodology used abroad. Our school, at your school!



International mentoring

Teachers have access to a mentoring program with native teachers.

English every day

Students have access to and practice the language daily.

Parent App

Parents have access to an exclusive app to monitor language progress.

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Lesson Plans

Copyright @ Live Your Dream Education Ltda.


Pouso Alegre - Minas Gerais - Brazil

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